Sunday 29 May 2016

VCR Cafe


为了让照片看起来更有质感~ 带了久违的棒球帽

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Tanoshii 鲷鱼烧~♥ + 旧地重游

之前一直想吃这家 的 鲷鱼烧
终于在昨天的机缘巧合下 吃到了啦~
点了这个组合 (RM10.90+/-)
“ 抹茶鲷鱼烧 + 黑芝麻冰淇淋 + 奇异果”

Saturday 14 May 2016

First Arabic Food exp~

Last Saturday first test of Arabic food~
Arabic food is not too comment in "Malaysia" compare to others~

bcs i wish that reader can be enjoy reading or exploring my blog,
at the same time i also wish that you can learn new knowledge with me...
n correct me if i'm wrong~

this post will be sharing the Arabic Dish name~ 
that i found n i ate that day~ wish you enjoy n get inspired by it~

Thursday 5 May 2016

The Hungry Hog & O Banh Mi(越南餐)喝茶时间~

加上 她买了一些手信给我

选择了这间 肉为主的餐厅
《The Hungry Hog》